If you are like most homeowners, you aren’t dying to replace your AC with a new one. The high cost is usually enough to deter homeowners from replacing their unit prematurely. However, when you rely on your AC system to keep you cool during the insane heat that summer brings, you don’t want to run the risk of going without it either. There is a fine balance that often leaves homeowners wondering when the right time to replace their AC unit with a new one is. Hal Mechanical is here to share some thoughts on figuring out the right time to replace your AC.
Is Your AC Unit Getting Old?
When it comes to replacing your AC unit, one of the driving factors is going to be the age of your unit. The older your unit gets, the more likely it is that you are facing a replacement rather than a repair. Here are some of the benchmarks that you should be taking into consideration when it comes to the age of your unit.
– 10 Years: Once your unit reaches that 10 year mark, you are going to want to keep a close eye on it as you decide if you should replace it or not. While it may still be working just fine, you may start to notice that you have to pay more to cool your home than you used to. Also, if you’re facing an expensive repair, you need to consider replacement rather than repair as well.
– 15 Years: Not all units that are 15 years old are going to need to be replaced. This is certainly going to be the backend of your AC unit’s life though. Any repairs after 15 years should be looked at closely because replacement is more than likely the better option.
Is Your AC Unit Reliable?
The last thing you want is a unit that you aren’t able to depend on. As we move into the hottest time of the year, you need to know that your unit is up to the task. If it has been less than reliable lately, you may need to call in professionals to either repair it or replace it before the summer sets in. If your unit isn’t too old, you may be able to get away with a repair rather than a replacement.
Is AC Using So Much Electricity?
As your unit gets older, it is going to work less and less efficiently. If you have noticed a sizeable increase in your heating and cooling costs, your older AC may be to blame. Consider replacing it when you’re paying more than you should be to cool your home.
AC Repair, Replacement & More in Aliante, Centennial, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Enterprise, Green Valley Ranch, Henderson, Lone Mountain Village, North LV, Peccole Ranch, Paradise, Silverado Ranch, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor, Tuscany Village, Whitney, Winchester & Las Vegas Nevada
At Hal Mechanical, we can handle any AC repairs you may be facing. If you are in need of a replacement, you can also trust that our team of technicians will ensure your new unit is installed exactly right. Call us today!