Author Archives: HalMechanicalAdmin

How Do I Know if My AC is Leaking Refrigerant in Winchester, NV? What Does a Leak Look, Sound & Smell Like?

The idea behind refrigerant can be a bit confusing for some people, as many people believe that refrigerant is like a fuel that will eventually deplete. However, this is not so. Refrigerant is constantly going through a process that basically recycles itself. You should never run out of refrigerant unless the air conditioner has developed…

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AC Facts & Myths in Centennial Hills, NV; Will a Bigger Central Air Conditioner Cool House Better & More

Intricate parts and processes to function are relied upon by air conditioning systems. Because of the intricacy of the systems, and people spreading their own logic, many misunderstanding and misinformation can spread like wildfire. Today, we at Hal Mechanical would like to clear up some of these myths to help people better understand your air…

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