When your AC starts to get older it starts needing repairs. There comes a time when you have to start deciding if you continue with the repairs or if it is better to replace the AC. It can be a hard decision to make because money and time can be involved with both. Hal Mechanical wants to go over a few things to help you decide what is better for you and the AC in your home.
Frequent AC Repairs
If you have not taken care of your AC with annual maintenance tune-up then your AC may have started to need repairs and replacements. A few repairs are not bad but if you are on the phone with someone to come repair your AC every few months. It may not be worth trying to keep your AC. It may be best to replace your AC with a new one that will fit into your budget range.
AC Unit is Past Life Expectancy
The life expectancy of an AC is about 10 to 15 years. This can depend on a few variables. How much you use it, the climate you are in, and how frequently you get maintenance tune-ups. If your AC is about 15 years and starts having problems then it is advised that you get it replaced with a new one. This way you can avoid making many repairs.
High Cooling Bill
Air conditioners can consume a lot of energy. It may be the highest one of your home appliances. Because of this, you will have higher power bills when it is being used. However, if your AC is not running properly, it can increase your energy bills even higher. If you have noticed that your energy bill keeps rising there could be a problem with your AC. You either need to get it fixed or buy a new energy-efficient air conditioner that can help decrease your energy bills.
Excessive Dust in House
If you have noticed that you get a lot of dust in your home every few days this could be the AC. If you have your doors and windows opened this can bring in dust but if those are closed and you are continually getting a lot of dust in your home this could be a sign that you have a problem with your AC. Yes, it can be frustrating cleaning the dust so often but it can also be harmful to your health having so much dust in your home. You can solve some of these problems by cleaning your air filters and the outside unit. But if it continues with a lot of dust then you may want to consider replacing it.
AC Making Loud Noise
Your AC can start making many different types of sounds when something needs to be repaired. You can search online to get an idea of what the sound could be but you will need to call and get it repaired or if it is bad enough you need to replace the AC.
Central Air Conditioning Services & More in Aliante, Centennial, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Enterprise, Green Valley Ranch, Henderson, Lone Mountain Village, North LV, Peccole Ranch, Paradise, Silverado Ranch, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor, Tuscany Village, Whitney, Winchester & Las Vegas Nevada
It is important to know when it is time to give up on your old AC and replace it. Calling a professional like Hal Mechanical can help you decide if it is time to call it quits with your old AC and get a new one, or just repair it.