When it comes to your AC system, there are many myths out there. It can be hard to keep what is true and what is false straight. When it comes to your AC system, it is important that you understand how it works and what it takes to keep it running well so that you can avoid spending more than you need to in order to keep your home cool. Hal Mechanical is here to talk about common AC myths that are out there.
How Often Does AC Refrigerant Need to Be Replaced?
A common misconception is that the refrigerant in your AC unit can run out. What many people don’t realize is that the refrigerant in your system is in a closed system. Unless there is a leak somewhere, you shouldn’t ever run out. It is common for a leak to form as your AC gets older though. This is something that you should always keep your eye on.
Should You Close Doors & Vents in Unused Rooms?
For many homes, when the AC system is installed, it balanced properly depending on the vent system and ductwork. When you close vents, it can throw off the balance in your home and your unit won’t be able to cool your home properly. This can leave other rooms in your home uncomfortable.
Is it Better to Leave Your Thermostat at a Constant Temperature?
It can be tempting to turn down your thermostat more than you normally would when you are coming home to a hot house in an attempt to get it to cool down faster. The temperature your thermostat is set at will have no impact on how fast the home cools. The temperature settings have nothing to do with the speed your home is cooled off.
Is it Bad to have an Oversized AC Unit?
The AC unit put in your home is sized perfectly according to the square footage that is getting cooled. If you have a unit that is too large for the house, you will be dealing with cycling on and off constantly. This can leave you with a home that isn’t as cool as you would like, and you will pay more for it as well. This can also be incredibly hard on the unit itself.
Is it Cheaper to Turn off AC when Not Home?
It seems like a good idea to turn off your AC during the day while no one is home. However, it can be hard on your unit to constantly have to work so hard to cool your home back down. It can be hard on your unit to have to work so hard to get your home cool again when you turn it off so often. It will also require more energy which will end up costing you more.
Central Air Conditioner Tune Up Maintenance, Repair & More in Aliante, Anthem, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Enterprise, Green Valley Ranch, Henderson, Inspirada, Mountain’s Edge, North LV, Peccole Ranch, Paradise, Providence, Rhodes Ranch, Seven Hills, Silverado Ranch, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor, The Lakes, Tuscany Village & Las Vegas Nevada
If you are dealing with AC issues, you can turn to Hal Mechanical to get your system back on track. We will diagnose and take care of any necessary repairs to keep your system working properly and your home cool. Call us today!